Grimace Night has arrived to take players on an exciting journey in an abandoned area. In this adventure game, players will venture into the world of Grimace...
The Halloween season is approaching, and to add more excitement to these eerie holidays, the game "Grimace Night" has appeared to take players on an exciting journey in an abandoned area. In this adventure game, players will venture into the world of Grimace, a small character who you will guide around to collect keys and open portals to exit the level.
Grimace's goal: Grimace's mission is to collect all the keys needed to open the gate out of the level. There are many levels with increasing difficulty, and you need to help Grimace complete them successfully.
Difficulties in the abandoned area: You know that this abandoned area is not easy at all. There are many barriers and obstacles spread everywhere. Some barriers will make you wary, but there are others that can help you.
Use blocks to climb: An important part of the game is using blocks to climb and reach the keys. Grimace can jump on these blocks to overcome barriers and collect keys.
Complete the level: Once you have collected the required number of keys, you need to move Grimace to the spawn portal to complete the level. This is not easy, because you need to overcome all the barriers in the process.
Grimace Night is a fun adventure game with all the challenges and Halloween elements you can imagine. Join the adventure and help Grimace overcome all difficulties to collect keys and complete the level. You will participate in a bizarre and exciting journey, suitable for the Halloween season.
Use mouse
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